December 21, 2024
Dear Road Church Friends,
We tend to forget that behind the beautiful trappings of this happy season, that Christmas was the beginning of a radical Revolution destined to change the world. Christmas is the day God fired the shots heard round the world. At Christmas God joined the human race. At Christmas our Creator became an infant creature, taking on our common humanity in the poorest of circumstances. By becoming one of us, God affirmed the dignity and worth of every person from the least to the greatest. In God’s eyes we are one human family. We are one race, not many. The idea of different races is a human invention designed to divide us. The Christmas Revolution laid the foundation for the sacred ideas that unite us: — individual dignity, human equality, and inalienable rights. Christmas reminds us we are God’s children regardless of nationality or race. It also reminds us that we have gone astray, and Jesus is God’s invitation to find our Way back to our loving Heavenly Father. Christmas proves that God loves us.
God’s Christmas gift to the world is his unconditional love.
SCRIPTURE: Galatians 4:4-5 SERMON: Love Came Down at Christmas
When the right time finally came, God sent his Son into the world. He was born of a human mother. He came to redeem us from the curse of the Law, so that we might become God's children.
by Elinor Lennon
Room for all else but love,
In houses and in hearts at Bethlehem.
Does he despair of change,
Who comes to us today as one of them,
But finds us occupied
And unaware and ready to condemn?
Which one will dare to fling,
Uncalculatingly, his portal wide,
To thrust the trivial out
And bid the late Guest take his ease inside?
Except the Lord Christ come,
Nor house nor heart shall know the Christmastide!
Christmas Blessings to you all,
Pastor Norm
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