Last Sunday, June 2rd, was our 350th Anniversary Celebration Service which was held outdoors, so there is no recorded message. The following is an APPTECIATION letter Pastor Norm emailed out to everyone.

June 7, 2024 

     Dear Road Church Friends,

What hath God wrought” (Look what God has done).

These are the words from scripture that come to mind as I reflect on our two day celebration of Road Church’s 350th Anniversary on June 1 and 2. After all the meetings, all the planning, all the emails and phone conversations by a dedicated Committee; and thanks to a team of volunteers that included most of our church family and friends, our big celebration was all we hoped it would be!

Our 2-day event unfolded smoothly according to our plans just as we hoped it would. The most important thing we had no control over was the weather, and the weather was perfect!  We not only made many wonderful memories, we made a positive impact on our community, and we laid a foundation on which we can continue to build in days ahead. Through it all I felt the providential presence of God blessing our work. God used the knowledge and experience each of us brought to this shared vision for our Church, and we saw it become a reality.  Because of what all of you have done, and because of “what God hath wrought” in us, through us, and for us, a bright future awaits. Thanks be to God.

SCRIPTURE:  Isaiah 65:17-25 (paraphrased)


“The Lord says, “You will be so glad when you see what I do, that you will forget all your pain and past disappointments. You will be joyful and happy.…There will be no weeping, no praying to me for help. Babies will no longer die in infancy. Everyone will live to a ripe old age. Those who live to be a hundred will be considered young. You will build houses and get to live in them—they will not be taken away from you. You will plant vineyards and enjoy the wine—it will not be drunk by others. You will fully enjoy the things that you have worked for. You and your descendants will prosper. I will bless you for all time to come. I will answer your prayers before you finish praying. Wolves and lambs will eat together; lions will eat straw, as cattle do, and snakes will no longer be dangerous. There will be nothing harmful or evil anywhere.


by Robert de Lamennais

Your task is to form the universal family, to build the City of God,

And by a continuous labor gradually to translate his work in humanity into fact.

When you live one another as brothers, and treat one another reciprocally as such,

When each one, seeking his own good in the good of all, shall identify his own life

With the life of all, his own interests with the interests of all, and shall always be ready

To sacrifice himself for all the members of the human family—then most of the ills

Which lay upon the human race will vanish, as thick mist gathered upon the horizon

Vanish at the rising of the sun.

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Norm

Barbara and I will be at a family gathering in North Carolina from June 6-11.

Our Church moderator, Bob Elmer, will lead the Sunday service in my place.