October 18, 2024

Dear Road Church Friends,

This week’s Gospel reading takes place on Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem which his disciples believed will result in a showdown between Jesus and his enemies. They have no doubt about the outcome. They believe Jesus is the long-awaited messiah who is destined to rule the world from Jerusalem. The brothers James and John secretly approached Jesus with a request. They want to be co-rulers with Jesus on his throne. Their ambition has blinded their eyes and closed their ears to his warnings of his sacrificial death as a ransom for the sake of the world. This episode illustrates the truth of the proverb, “Watch out what you ask for,” because Jesus’ throne will be a cross, and his crown will be a wreath of thorns. His question to them and to all his followers to the present day is, “Are you able to pick up your cross and follow me,”—just like the two criminals who were crucified with Jesus, one on his right, the other on his left.

SCRIPTURE: Mark 10:35-40    SERMON: Are We Able?

James and John, said to Jesus, “Teacher, we want you to do something for us.” He said to them, “What do you want me to do for you?” And they said, “Appoint us to sit, at your right and left hand in your glory.” Jesus said, “You do not know what you are asking for.

Are you able to drink the cup that I drink? Are you able to be baptized with the baptism


Are ye able, said the Master,

To be crucified with Me?

Yea, the sturdy dreamers answered,

To the death we follow Thee.

Are you able to relinquish

Purple dreams of power and fame,

To go down into the garden,

Or to die a death of shame?

Are ye able, when the anguish

Racks your mind and heart with pain,

To forgive the souls who wrong you,

Who would make your striving vain?

Are ye able? Still the Master

Whispers down eternity,

And heroic spirits answer,

Now as then in Galilee.

Lord, we are able. Our spirits are Thine.

Remold them, make us, like Thee, divine.

Thy guiding radiance above us shall be

A beacon to God, to love and loyalty.

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Norm

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