May 24, 2024 

Dear Road Church Family and Friends,

In the spirit of Memorial Day, the Sunday message is on the theme of “Here I Am, Send Me.” This was the response of Isaiah to the call of God. It was also the response of all the men and women in the Armed Forces who answered their country’s call to put their life on the line when it became necessary to defend our country and our allies from the aggression of anti- democratic, authoritarian regimes. All of us must be willing to answer God’s and our country’s call as best we can when the call goes out.

SERMON:  Here I Am, Send Me

   SCRIPTURE:  Isaiah 6:1-8

I saw the Lord in a vision. He was sitting in his Temple on a lofty throne. Attending him were creatures, each having six wings. Two wings they covered their faces. Two covered their feet, and with two they flew. They chanted, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord! His glory fills the earth!” Their voices shook the Temple to its foundations.  I said to myself, “I am a sinful man with lying lips.  I live among liars. And, here I am in the presence of God Almighty.” Then one of the winged creatures flew to me with a burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. He touched my lips with it and said, “now your sins are forgiven.” Then I heard God asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who is willing to go and speak for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”


by Denis A. McCarthy

This is the land where hate should die—

No feuds of faith, no spleen of race, No darkly brooding fear should try

Beneath our flag to find a place.

Lo! every people here has sent Its sons to answer freedom’s call,

Their lifeblood is the strong cement That builds and binds the nation’s wall.


This is the land where hate should die—

Though dear to me my faith and shrine, I serve my country well when I

Respect beliefs that are not mine. He little loves his land who’d cast

Upon his neighbor’s word a doubt, Or cite the wrongs of ages past

From present rights to bar him out.


This is the land where hate should die—

This is the land where strife should cease, Where foul, suspicious fear should fly

Before our flag of light and peace. Then let us purge from poisoned thought

That service to the State we give, And so be worthy as we ought

Of this great land in which we live.

A blessed Memorial Day weekend to all of you.

  Pastor Norm

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