Communion Sunday and Labor Day Weekend

August 30, 2024

Dear Road Church Friends,

My last job before I entered the ministry was on a maintenance team for a property management company that owned several large business parks. We were responsible for building systems maintenance and upkeep of the grounds. We had our daily work routines, but our usual schedules were frequently interrupted by electrical, plumbing, or HVAC emergencies that became our top priority. We never knew from day to day what we would be called on to deal with. Come what may, our work rule was:  Job Number One is Getting the Job Done. This was Jesus’ attitude.

The Gospels portray Jesus as a purpose driven person. Wherever he happened to be, people wanted him to stay longer, but he refused because he knew his Number One job was to preach God’s love and forgiveness in as many places as possible. Everywhere he went he taught that God is like a good shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep to retrieve the one who is astray, and that God is the loving Father of many prodigal sons and daughters, waiting to welcome them home. Jesus’ first words from the cross, according to Luke, were a summation of his life’s mission, “Father, Forgive Them.” More about this on Sunday morning.

SCRIPTURE:  Luke 23:32-37      SERMON: Father, Forgive Them

The soldiers led Jesus and two other men who were guilty of insurrection to the place of execution. When they came to a hill called the Skull, they stripped Jesus and the others of their clothes and nailed them to crosses. One of the criminals was on Jesus’ right, the other on his left. Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.” The soldiers divided up Jesus’ clothes by casting lots. Then they taunted him and joked, offering him a drink of wine saying, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.”

A curious crowd gathered to watch the spectacle. Jesus’ enemies mocked him saying, “You saved others; let’s see if you can save yourself. Come down from the cross if you are God’s Chosen Man.”


by John Oxenham

Upon thy bended knees, thank God for work.

Work—once man’s penance, now his high reward!

For work to do, and strength to do the work,

We thank Thee, Lord!

Some toil for love, and some for simple greed,

Some reap a harvest past their utmost need,

More, in their less find truer happiness,

And all, in work, relief from bitterness.

Upon thy bended knees, thank God for work!

In workless days all ills and evils lurk.

For work to do, and strength to do the work,

We thank Thee, Lord!

Happy Labor Day to you all,

Pastor Norm

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