June 14, 2024

Dear Road Church Friends,

Last week Barbara and I were at a family reunion hosted by Barbara’s brother and his wife in North Carolina. It was wonderful to be together with family members we hadn’t seen in a long time from Virginia, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, and Ohio. We are grateful for an opportunity to get away for a few days, and my thanks go out Bob Elmer for bringing the message last Sunday in my place.

Memories of the success and enjoyment of our 350th Anniversary celebration on June 1st  and 2nd  are still fresh in my thoughts and have inspired the theme of my sermon this Sunday. As I shared the news of our anniversary event, people were amazed at the age of our congregation. And I would say, “we are small in numbers but strong in faith and growing in numbers. This brought to mind Psalm 92:13-14: We are like a tree, green and strong, planted in the house of the Lord, that is flourishing and still bearing fruit in our old age. Those who have faith in God can be youthful and fruitful all their days if we choose to be. Our recent success is proof that we are bearing fruit in our old age as a congregation, and that we have many more fruitful years ahead of us.

SERMON: A Happy and Fruitful Old Age 

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 92:1-4, 12-14

How good it is to give thanks to you, O Lord, to sing in your honor, to proclaim your constant love every morning and your faithfulness every night, with the music of stringed instruments and with melody on the harp. Your mighty deeds make us glad because of what you have done for us. We sing for joy. The righteous will flourish like palm trees; they will grow like the cedars of Lebanon. They are like trees, green and strong, planted in the house of the Lord, that flourish and still bear fruit in old age.


by John Greenleaf Whittier

Nothing before, nothing behind,

The steps of faith

Fall on the seeming void, and find

The rock beneath.

Blessings to you all

Pastor Norm

This Service on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/hT0lHk9yxaE?si=OtxZx3FRc0gY98HB