Reverend Norm’s office hours are Monday - Thursday 10am - 4pm. You may reach him on the church office phone at (860)535-0655 or on his cell phone at (860)759-6720.
Reverend Norm Erlendson is the Minister at the First Congregational Church.
Norm and Barbara moved from Washington State to Connecticut in 2007. They have fallen in love with New England for its beauty, and especially its history. They enjoy traveling its back roads and visiting its small towns and villages. Norm has pastored Congregational Churches since 1990. He holds a Master of Arts in History from the University of Washington, and a Master of Arts in Christian Theology and Ethics from New College, Berkeley, California. He has a special interest in the history of New England Congregationalism and issues related to the church and social justice. He is excited about his new pastoral ministry at the First Congregational Church of Stonington. Norm is looking forward to becoming an active member of the Stonington/Westerly community.