November/December 2019 Newsletter
Annual Church Fall Fair This year’s fair was held on Saturday October 5th from 9am to 2pm. Thanks to all who participated and helped.
An Outreach opportunity - On the first Tuesday of every month we cook lunch for the Warm Center in Westerly (for the following Wednesday morning). We will meet next on December 3rd.
The mission of the Warm Center of Westerly is "to provide a continuum of service and care to the homeless and needy by providing affordable housing and assuring supportive services, and to help the homeless and needy build self- esteem and move toward independent and responsible living." The Warm Center serves Westerly and surrounding communities in Rhode Island and Connecticut. Lunch and dinner are served seven days a week. Approximately 100 meals are served at the Warm Center every day.
If you’re interested in participating, please call Pastor Norm Erlendson at (860)759-6720.
Missions -
Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center - We continuously collect items for the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center (PNC). The Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center, founded in 1985, is a multi-purpose facility which offers a variety of social, educational, health and human services programs with an emphasis on community spirit. For information on volunteering your time at the PNC please contact the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center at (860) 599-3285.
Library/Book Store - We have set up a Library/Book Store in the nursery room off the parlor. The concept is to "Take a Book and Leave a Donation". Once you donate, the book is yours. If you would like to donate books, that would be great and we ask that you simply put them on the shelves. We hope you all will enjoy the chance to read a great book and help Missions at the same time! Dee Kimball and Sally Salancy are the Missions liaisons for this project.
Altar Flowers If you would like to provide altar flowers for any given Sunday Worship, please contact Sally Salancy at (860) 536-3850, send an email to or text Sally at (860 )405-5795.
STORM CLOSING INFO: Our church closings will appear on WFSB TV
ECCUMENICAL THANKSGIVING SERVICE: Sunday, November 24th at 4:00 pm at the Episcopal Church in the borough (Calvary Church).
PNC FOOD BANK DONATIONS: During the month of November and December, food donations will be collected to deliver to the PNC for those in need for Thanksgiving and Christmas respectfully. Deadline for food donations is Sun., Nov. 17th and Dec., 15th. Contact person: Jack Jacobs
CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE: Tuesday, Dec. 24th 7:00 pm in the Road Church sanctuary.
In our prayers -
The men and women serving our nation in the armed forces.
Our church, its ministries and its people.
For upcoming events and activities, please click here for our calendar.